
Our Trip, in Pictures.

So rather than write about all the antique stores we went to, I thought I would include pictures and let you see for yourself. These pictures are just HALF of the DOWNSTAIRS of ONE antique co-op.
I think you get the picture.

Crazy cookie-jar-lady's booth.


Lisa's RetroStyle said...

I was beginning to wonder if you really were back! Fun pictures! I so love thrifting vacations or thrifting while on vacation.

Mama Brook said...

:) I've just been SUPER busy!
My little one's second b-day
is next week!

The Thriftaholic (Leilani) said...

I spy quite a bit of Pyrex in those pictures! :)

Anonymous said...

ooh look at all that pyrex and the other goodes...I am SO drooling from here!

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

I just had to comment on your blog. I love it. I found you from the pickled hutch..isn't that Alfie a cutie? So, I have a
Sophee-a and love all things poodle. I saw you collect poodles. I have a small collection myself. I just added a large blk. one to put in my office. Also, a funny thing..I know where Bismark is LOl. I lived in Grand Forks for 7 wonderful years of my life. pre-school to 5th grade. Loved the people, hated walking home in the snow!! Stop by my blog and my website some time. www.pawshpoodle.com

Anonymous said...

Love your blog! And what wonderful finds .. Don't you just love Pyrex?