
Who Me? Gee Thanks!

The Lovely Mary-Frances, over at Meanwhile Back at the Ranch, has so kindly nominated me for the "You've Made my Day Award" - what a doll!!! If you haven't checked out her blog yet you must go read it!
So now for my nominations; which by the way, was hard as heck!

One of the sweetest gals around!
Just check out her cute little house, and her pantry is to die for!

Black Olives on my Fingertips
Monica has a great sense of humor in her posts, and has pyrexia too!

The Domesticated Dame
I simply envy her knitting skills!

Vintage Indie
A wonderfully interactive blog all about Vintage!

Confessions of a Pioneer Woman
One of the best looking blogs I've seen! Very well written.

Here are the obligatory “rules” that go with these sorts of posts…
The ‘you make my day award’ works like this:

1) Write a post with links to 5 blogs that make me think and/or make my day
2) Acknowledge the post of the award giver
3) Tell the award winners that they have won by commenting on their blogs with the news!


Vintage Indie said...

How Sweet of you!

Thanks so much!

Vintage Indie

Stephanie N said...

Thank you sweetie pie!!!!!!!! XOXOXOXO

Stephanie N said...

I nominated you back! ha ha!

Holly Hall said...

Thanks for the nomination!