
Small tour of the Apartment...

The I Love Lucy Bathroom!

Here are a couple pictures of the apartment. It's a nice size 2/1 - but we can't change the paint and the appliances are bland. But it works for us.
  1. Our main living room
  2. The Eames credenza we found at a thrift store for 35$
  3. My craft table and our 50s port-a-crib (Hunter's time-out)
  4. The Velvet Elvis (trailer fabulous!)
  5. My 3 favorite paintings and the evil spawn
  6. My canisters I scored for 10$ (Steal!)
  7. The oven
  8. The fridge
  9. My 'elvisized' Beautyware breadbox
  10. My pie area and toastmaster!
  11. My I love Lucy mixer!
  12. I LOVE my toastmaster coffee pot.
  13. My humping bunny salt-n-pepper shakers (Derek go them overseas)
Obviously I'm going for red and pink 50s. My dream is a pink formica kitchen with red countertops and pink applainces. Probably a pink, red and white lanolieum floor and white wallpaper with pink and red hearts. And yes, my husband HAS agreed to this :)


Monica said...

I have to get me a velvet Elvis!!!! I love your place!!!!

Mama Brook said...

Thanks - That is the best painting ever! :)

C. Dianne Zweig said...

I especially loved the i love Lucy Shower Curtains...where oh where you find them? Dianne